Home Noticias Videojuegos Vampyr tiene su primera actualización

Vampyr tiene su primera actualización


El equipo de DONTNOD se puso a trabajar en un update importante para Vampyr que corrige varias inconsistencias dentro del juego.

El nuevo update trae mejoras en el gameplay, correción de errores y balances, entre otras cosas. DONTNOD dejó claro también que se vienen grandes cambios en los próximos meses en forma de nuevas actualizaciones

A continuación, les detallamos los cambios:

New Features:

  • Walk can now be used as a held input or a toggled input.
  • The Recovering Icon is now properly displayed when a citizen is healing


  • Switching targets can now be done with the mouse wheel.
  • During the cutscene between Dorothy and Darius, Dorothy will now properly be shown. A new playthrough is needed for this.
  • Fixed an issue where Sean Hampton was stuck in a chair while reloading during certain dialogues.
  • Fixed an issue where spoiler characters would incorrectly spawn.
  • Fixed an issue where Tom Watts’s sidequest would be blocked while performing a medical checkup mid-choice
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to escape the map in Southwark
  • Optimised the in-game menus
  • Fixed an issue where in-game and in-menu serum icons were inverted.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to change inventory page using KB/M
  • Green flickering should no longer occur
  • Fixed an issue where Camelia’s dialogue would stay locked, even with all hints unlocked.
  • Various other fixes


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