Home PC Noticias PC Proxima Techdemo de Futuremark para DirectX11

Proxima Techdemo de Futuremark para DirectX11


Futuremark nos hace llegar un comunicado de prensa informandonos que muy pronto estará disponible una nueva TechDemo para DirectX11 que tendrá la peculiaridad de poder probar tanto DirectX9 como 10 y 11 todos trabajando bajo el API de DirectX11, esta nueva demo apunta al lanzamiento de Windows 8, podemos ver una imagen y les dejo el video a continuación junto con el comunicado de prensa.


New 3DMark Trailer Shows Stunning DirectX 11 Graphics

HELSINKI, FINLAND – June 21, 2012 – Futuremark® today released its first trailer for the next version of 3DMark®. Designed for measuring the gaming performance of everything from tablets and notebooks to high-end desktop gaming systems, the next 3DMark for Windows will be the world’s first unified graphics benchmark allowing testing of DirectX 9, DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 capable hardware through the DirectX 11 API. Expected to be released after the launch of Windows 8, this new 3DMark will also be compatible with Windows 7 and Windows Vista. The new trailer provides a preview of the DirectX 11 test and is now available online and in high definition for the first time at http://www.3dmark.com

In the trade town of Scarport, buildings cling to canyon walls above canals of lava and provide shelter from the toxic volcanic atmosphere. Gaudy neon signs flicker as steam rises from the molten rivers running beneath the town. A trader walks along ledges carved from the volcanic rock,  smoke swirling around her flowing cloak. Her robotic sentinels keep watch, but what dangers lie hidden in the shadows?

The 3DMark DirectX 11 tech demo brings this scene to life with intelligent tessellation and advanced volumetric lighting using real-time light scattering. The visible particles and clouds of smoke in the scene react to other objects using fluid dynamics simulation. Post processing, ambient occlusion and various lens effects complete the look.

3DMark 11 TechDemo


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