Los nuevos Adrenalin 18.2.3 llegan ofreciendo fixes y mejoras, que incluyen optimizaciones para Kingdom Come: Deliverance y PUBG.
Tambien nos trae una enorme mejora de rendimiento de 39% en Sea of Thieves.
Otro de los datos mas importantes que vienen con esta actualización, es un conjunto de fixes para muchos problemas relacionados con FreeSync.
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Fixed y arreglos
- Radeon FreeSync may intermittently incorrectly engage during Chrome video playback resulting in playback flicker.
- Radeon FreeSync may rapidly change between min and max range when enabled causing stutter in fullscreen games on multi display system configurations.
- Flickering may be observed on the performance metrics overlay when Enhanced Sync is enabled on some Radeon FreeSync connected displays.
- Radeon Overlay may exhibit minor flickering when enabled while playing games using the Vulkan™ API.
- Fortnite™ may experience lighting or fog corruption on some graphics quality presets.
- Radeon ReLive instant replay clips may intermittently contain small amounts of audio distortion.
- Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ may experience an application crash when launched as a Universal Windows® Application.
- For Honor™ may experience an intermittent application crash on launch.
NVIDIA por su parte libero la versión 391.01, con mejoras de optimización para Final Fantasy XV, PUBG y Warhammer: Vermintide 2.
Tambien incluye mejoras para rendimientos en SLI y 3D visión, nada significativo, pero suma a la causa para no parecer menos a comparacion de su competencia.
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Fixes y arreglos
- BeamNG – Dynamic reflections flicker in the game.
- Call of Duty WWII – Flickering shadows occur in the game.
- NvfbcPluginWindow prevents Windows from shutting down.
- Booting from a cold boot results in black screen on a multi-monitor system.
- 3DVision – System shutdown time increases when Stereoscopic 3D is enabled.
- NVIDIA Control Panel – The Display->Adjust desktop color settings->Content type setting is reset to “Auto-selected” after rebooting the system.
- GeForce GTX 980/1080 Ti – OpenGL program may crash when trying to map a buffer object.
- GeForce GTX 965M – Drop in GPU performance occurs.